How do I order?

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How can I take care of the flowers?

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Are they real?

The flowers are all real, they are then preserved to last a much longer time in your home.

How long do they last?

Depending on how well you are able to care for the roses, they can last between 1 to 5 years.

Can I transfer them into another container or vase?

No, each box is custom prepared and contains glue for the box and arrangement to remain in the same position throughout its lifespan.

Can I choose my own colors or make my own box?

Yes, we offer custom color rose and boxes for you to choose what you want.

How do I take care of the flowers?

The best way for the flowers to survive their longest is by keeping them in a space of between 40-70% humidity at a temperature of between 4 and 30 degrees celsius. We suggest that you keep the flowers away from direct sunlight and out of wet places and preferably for the flowers to remain in the sealed box. Should the weather be extremely humid, avoid exposing the flowers to open air for a while. Avoid touching the arrangements as they are delicate.